These Days, Everyone is Concerned about Stress
People Understand Today that Stress is Bad
But Until they Know the Enemy, Stress can remain a problem
The Most Powerful Tool we have to Fight Stress
Is Knowledge and Understanding

Patti has lectured extensively in many Corporate and Business venues to educate people about the Nature of Stress, the effects it can have, and has helped hundreds to understand and develop strategies to address one of the most prevalent health concerns of our time.

Stress Management Education

Classes and Presentations can be for Health Days "Lunch and Learn", Wellness Fairs, Individual Groups or a Weekly format to allow for deeper exploration of the subject and experience of the techniques Stress Reduction Education is commonly a combination of Informational and Experiential Resources. It is the awareness of the Nature, Origins and Effects of Stress that begins our journey towards solutions, but in all cases it is the activating principle of doing something, almost anything, that is the success factor in our quest. People need to not only understand but experience the benefits of Stress Management. The more extensive a study that we undertake, the easier it is to develop and incorporate positive changes for ourselves and others around us.

The effects of Stress have short and long term consequences for our health! Learning about the Nature of Stress, the Physiological Implications, the Warning Signs and Strategies for addressing the effects can be a powerful, available and accessible tool that you can "carry with you." In addition, the results of Stress Management tend to be cumulative, so the more that you explore and work with it, the more benefits you derive!

And the good news is: Therapeutic Massage and Aromatherapy (among others) are valid and great therapies for the reduction of Stress. Once again, the "cumulative benefit" effect is something that takes a part in making changes in our lives that enhance our short term and long term health. Let's sit down today to discuss a plan for addressing your concerns and finding your way to a more healthy and happy life!

Combining information and practice into different formats can offer alternatives for Sessions that combine Knowledge and Experience in varying degrees within a format that allows individuals to gain the most helpful understandings appropriate to their present situation and offer resources for further exploration. Each presentation is tailored to the needs of the Group as the Instructor uses her extensive background in related areas to weave together custom classes for individuals and groups.

Some of the Ideas

Exploration of the Nature of Stress
Expressions of Stress
Effects of Stress on Health
Balance in your Life: Inspiration and Stress
Tools and Lifestyle support
Beginning the process

Studio Workshops and Practice Sessions

Stress Management Education Workshops are offered at Healing Ways' studio for the enjoyment and convenience of those individuals seeking to find ways of reducing and managing the all too common build-up of stress brought on by everyday activities and life challenges. Workshops are offered in a one-day format, allowing participants to gain a basic knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of stress, health concerns, common expressions of stress as well as tools and strategies for reducing and eliminating stress. Weekly practice sessions are also offered to allow participants an opportunity to practice their skills and dedicate time to the active practices of managing and eliminating stress.

Corporate and Business On-site Seminars

Stress Management Education is a combination of theory and practice. The awareness of the nature, origins and effects of stress begins the journey toward solutions, and peoples' experience of the benefits of Stress Management brings them toward their goal. These classes can be offered as a weekly series or in various other formats including a Lunch and Learn.

Stress Management Counseling

These sessions build on the concepts of Stress Management shared in the educational v enues while also incorporating other sources of information. A customized practice plan to reduce stress is developed for each client. These sessions help the client discover his or her individual best strategies for achieving a more calm and fulfilling existence.

Stress Management Specialist
Cardiac Yoga and Dean Ornish Program
Classes in Vinyasa, Shivinanda, & Integral Yoga
Certified Meditation Teacher
Certified Therapeutic Massage Therapist
Member ABMP Massage Therapy Association
Member, Integral Yoga & Yoga Alliance
CPR Certified and CYTA Insured
ABMP Insured